A simple Solomon Islander who blogs with the hope of improving his writing skills.


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Monday, August 1, 2011

A Song of Happiness

Post written by Harold Maesulia. Follow me on twitter.

..dad is a simple happy man
 because he loves the lord.

If dad has a way to tell us what true happiness is, it's surely going to be his choice of song. An old man who has toiled all his life doing classroom teaching in the primary schools in the highlands of Central Malaita should be weary at the age of 53. But that is not the song on daddy's lips.

When work commitments call, the dark skinned highlander can still gets up early as 4 to take the long 2 hours walk down the jungles to Busurata where a pick up truck could be boarded for a rough ride down the gravel road to Malaita's bustling capital, Auki. On his way home via the same route, he can still shoulder a bag of rice up the rain forest-covered hills to where our Okwala nestles.

He is full of hard work. Incorporated into his daily chores is a sense of calm which seems to be his tool of choice when ever he's in business either teaching his heart out in the classroom or just spending the afternoon away in his  vegetable garden.

He's not so into clean looking clothes. But when he has the chance, he gives little attention to the luck. He, however, loves to act as if there's no possession to his name at all. He jokes just like any body in the village. And when it comes to community work, he's one of the center machines. I couldn't get to where his heart is not until he told me to repeat this song, which he said was his favourite, on my CD player.

Now every time I turn my ears to this song, something tend to tell me that dad is a simple happy man because he loves the lord.

While the world looks upon me
as I struggle along
They say I have nothing

but they are so wrong
In my heart I'm rejoicing
how I wish they could see
Thank you Lord for your blessings on me

 Cause there's a roof up above me
I've a good place to sleep
There's food on my table
and shoes on my feet
You gave me your love Lord
and a fine family
Thank you Lord for your blessings on me

 I know I'm not wealthy
and these clothes they're not new
And I don't have much money
 but Lord I have you
And that's all that matters
 though the world may not see
Thank you Lord for your blessings on me

 There's a roof up above me I've a good place to sleep
There's food on my table and shoes on my feet
You gave me your love Lord and a fine family
And I thank you Lord for your blessings on me

"Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me"-Jeff and Sheri Easter


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