A simple Solomon Islander who blogs with the hope of improving his writing skills.


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Monday, August 8, 2011

My Soccer Fear

By Harold Maesulia. Follow me on twitter.

"We need a team which can score goals..." 
Photo courtesy of centralmalaita.blogspot.com

The Pacific Games is just around the corner. But look at the development so far by our men's senior soccer team.

I can't agree much with the belief that we have a big pool of talented players who can give us something to cheer about. The recent S-League has unveiled some.

But I have a fear that even with this pool of talents, we won't be able to make it in Noumea this year. We need a professional coach who can direct the boys with a form of play that can help us win. We need a coach who can read another team's style of play and make appropriate changes so that the boys can score goals.

Yes, we need a team which can score goals because that's how we will win. It only takes a professional coach to pick the best out of the best to make the 11 member army.

Some one needs to tell me what Jacob Moli has achieved so far because I have a fear that we're going no where with a national squad under such a person's wings.

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