A simple Solomon Islander who blogs with the hope of improving his writing skills.


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Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Seasonal Lake in the Interior of Malaita

By Harold Maesulia. Follow me on Twitter.

The famous Ongi, in East Malaita. Photo: H. Maesulia.
On a fine day, it's just a beautiful green grass land, surrounded by thick rain forest which seems to line the stiff surrounding like an array of armed soldiers on loyal duty, but when the rain comes and don't want to go away for days, the beautiful scenario will be turned into a sea of water, giving birth to a green lake.

The place can be found in the interior of Malaita, one of the islands that made up the beautiful laid back Solomon Islands.

The locals called it Ongi (pronounced OO-NGEE) and it's a popular spot to play when it rains. A popular scene during such times is a party of excited locals trying their luck on hand-made floating rafts, trying to enjoy paddling through its cool waters.


  1. Hi Harold,
    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog.
    Your blog looks an absolute delight!

  2. Col,

    Thank you for those kind words of yours.

    Kind regards


  3. Hi Harold, Love this post, I went to Honiara in 1987, when I was only 22 years old! It was lovely and warm and the people were friendly.

  4. Hi Art,

    I couldn't figure out what Honiara was like back then cos I was just about 1 year older at the time of your visit.

    I think nothing much has changed though. The town has lagged behind time compared to other Pacific island countries -a thing which has been blamed on an ethnic conflict in year 2000 which sort of forced lots of industries to closed down.Today the laid back Solomons is trying to surface from the inconviniences to try and pave a way for developement. With efforts by the developing partners, Honiara is slowly seeing changes on it's streets, with new buildings going up in style-a perfect example which could be the new Heritage Park Hotel, the first and only five star accomodation in the entire country.

    While the conflict may have tarnished the good name of Solomon Islands in many ways, I can see that it has done little to take away the warmt one can find in the face of the locals as testified by you.
    Most of the islands are yet to face westernization in full force so you can just imagine how laid back things are out here....which however sort of become an attraction for many tourist who wants to experience trianquility in its full sense...anyways thanks for visiting my blog.



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